Thursday, October 16, 2008

I saw Toby Mac & Jeremy Camp Baby!!!!!!!

I am so excited because I got to see Mr. Toby Mac AND Mr. Jeremy Camp Friday night at the State Fair FOR FREE!!! My sister Laurie volunteered this past week at our local Christian radio station so she got a ticket (very clever of her). My sister Alice had been trying all day to win tickets from another station and finally won two and asked if I wanted to go. Heck yeah and It was AWESOME!!!! I don’t know if it was because I haven’t been to a concert since Rusty was a youth pastor or I was just so excited to be out with the girls but probably because both guys put on a great show. It was raining like crazy and I was soak and wet but I couldn’t have cared less. I was a little concerned at first that maybe I was too old to be rocking out with the Mac but as it turned out there were lot’s of us “old” people there and we were keeping up just as well as the younguns. I’m actually surprised that I like Toby Mac’s music because his style is not what I’m used to but I’m so drawn to his lyrics and you just can’t help but bop your head when you are listening to him. My sister’s and I even did this crazy rapper thingy with our hands to one of the songs. If only Gracie had been there I’m sure she would have thought me to be real cool! I’m so going to name drop right now, my cousins husband and Toby Mac are friends and they actually played golf together earlier that day and if my sisters and I had not been so preoccupied with eating fair food and stuck a little tighter to my cousin we might have just been able to meet the guy in person. Beth and Carl if you are reading this how about hook us up at Winter Jam in February.

If you would like to see a little bit of both these guys then check out their videos.

My favorite

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Would you like to win!

Please go visit this blog and contribute to win some really great gifts and help a family bring home their son from China.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Carrie's New Glasses

My super cute niece Carrie just got super cool glasses yesterday. Doesn't she look great in them? As soon as Gracie see's this picture she's probably going to want a pair herself. She really looks up to her cousin.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Today is my birthday!!! I should have scanned a baby picture of myself but I didn’t get around to it. I had a Women’s Ministry Meeting last night and when I got home at 10:00 Rusty and Gracie were waiting up for me. They had decorated the kitchen table and had a cake with a 39 candle burning. Notice I didn’t say 39 individual candles that would have been a fire hazard. Laurie Alice had fallen asleep an hour before I got home so she missed the festivities last night. We ate cake and ice cream and they gave gifts. Wednesdays are very busy for us with church and work so Rusty decided to have the little celebration last night because he was afraid my birthday might get overlooked today. We did the cake thing again this morning so Laurie Alice could participate. I wish I had a picture of her face when Rusty brought the cake out. She didn’t know what to make of the flaming cake. She had the most puzzled look but then was quickly impressed when I blew the fire out. She got so excited when she presented me with the gift that she had picked out for me. I can’t wait until we get to celebrate her birthday in December. I hope she isn’t too overwhelmed by it all. Anyway, it was a sweet evening and morning

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

Very Moving!!! Warning: You will need tissue.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy 5 Months!!!

Happy 5 month Gotcha Day!!!
The girls in Chongqing. Sisters for only 2 days.