Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Beautiful Poem

Gracie has been talking alot lately about her looks and how they differe from the rest of her family. She will make comments that she wished she had eyes like us and has even mentioned wanting blonde hair so she can look like a "real" American. I remind her that American's come in all shapes and sizes and colors and that she is indeed as real as American as anyone else and she even has a letter from the President of the USA to prove it. I also tell her that her eyes are my favorite thing about her face and that I'm even envious I don't have eyes like her.

A couple years ago my sister had this poem framed for Gracie's birthday. It's in the girls room and we read quite often. I just love it and thought I would post it here.

Why do I look different, Mom?
My daughter will ask one day.
How come I don't resemble all
the kids with whom I play?
My hair is inky black and straight,
my skin's a different hue,
so would you tell me, Mom,
why don't I look like you?
You're an Oriental flower,
I'll tell my darling girl,
Your skin and hair and eyes all come
from halfway 'round the world.
The sun of China warmed your skin
to that exquisite shade.
Your eyes are China's beauty marks,
your hair a silk cascade
the color of a midnight sky
unlighted by a star.
So don't think you look different, dear,
you look like who you are.
author unknown

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